Angler Citizen Science

29Mar 2019

Any and all information that anglers can collect and provide to our biologists to assist in fisheries management is helpful and important. The attached link is to collect stomachs for content analysis. It contains how to properly collect stomachs, label and drop off sites on Lakes Michigan and Huron. Prof. Brian Roth from MSU presented data at the Ludington Workshop, L. Huron Citizens Advisory Council meeting and this weeks GLFC-Lake Michigan Committee meeting. It is important to record as much information as you can and to do this throughout the fishing season which will demonstrate diets spatially and thru time.


Another important piece of the puzzle of our fishery is micro-chemistry. The study of otiliths. Analyzing otiliths and breaking down the chemical makeup of these bones will show the natal streams they originated. Many anglers don’t believe the natural reproduction numbers that are produced by agencies. Otilith studies are a key component and part of the zonal management strategy. The problem is funding to get these studies done at Universities. Monies for this program will come from grants, mostly from restitution dollars paid from the Ludington Pump Storage Plant. This past week at the GLFC meeting I spoke to USFWS Matt Kornis and he asked the GLSI to write a letter of support for this project. This week also Jay Wesley said the MIDNR will write a letter of support for these studies. We need to understand where the fish originate so these tributaries can be managed, and have a better
understanding of natal numbers.


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