There are so many issues, topics and personal feelings on how Lakes Mi, and Huron should be managed. With all the issues, GLSI has always stood behind representing members desires when it comes to management of our fisheries. We emailed a survey to members we have email addresses for, if you didn’t get a survey send us your address, the survey was so successful we would like to continue this process, your involvement is critical.
Do you feel the forage base is increasing or …decreasing?
increase 80% Stable 20% Decreasing 0%
Should King plants increase in L. Mi?
Yes 99% No 1%
The LMC proposed a 450K increase of, King plants lake wide
More than 450K 77% Agree w/450K 20% Less than 3%
Do you prefer to catch larger fish ea trip or would you prefer to catch more even if fish maybe slightly smaller?
Prefer more fish 77% Prefer Lg and fewer 23%
Do you prefer a balanced fishery dominated by Kings or Lake Trout?
Kings 99% Lake Trout 1%
Do you agree or disagree with moving Coho around L. Mi or concentrated in Platte River?
Move Coho 93% Concentrate in Platte 7%
Rank in order the species you prefer to catch
Kings 47 STH 35 Coho 32 BrT 21 LT 12
Do you agree with increasing Cisco plants if it meant reducing Salmon plants
Strongly agree 3% Agree 3% Neither agree or Disagree 12 Disagree 16% Strongly Disagree 66%
The GLSI successfully advocated to move some coho plants to L. Huron do you agree with this?
Yes 77% No 23%
The MDNR currently stocks more King Salmon in northern waters of L. Huron than L. Mi
Make no Changes to stocking 2%
Move some of these fish to Central and southern basin of Huron 10%
Move some of these fish to L. Mi 88%
MDNR ended salmon and trout stocking in Lake Superior, so you agree or disagree
Yes 36% No 64%
Satisfied or dissatisfied in 2019 with your Great Lakes salmon and trout fishing experience?
Dissatisfied 48% Very Dissatisfied 10% Neither Yes/No 22 Satisfied 17% Very Satisfied 3%
In the comments section, their were so many responses it would be difficult to put them all in here. There were some minor differences between Huron and Michigan because of the Atlantic and Walleye fisheries. Overwhelmingly so are the comments for the reduction of Lake Trout and the increased opportunities for more desired species of salmonids. Chinook, Atlantics, Steelhead, Coho and Browns. There are also a number of comments to be cautious of increases of predators, efforts to increase prey species. We can focus on the comment section of the survey in another post if you would like. The volume of content would be immensely long in one post.
The pictures shown are from stomach content analysis collected by agencies and angler collections that have been turned in. Great thanks goes out to Prof. Brian Roth of MSU and his students in their efforts to analyze and compile this data.