Calling all steelheaders. There are some important research studies going on now for steelhead and anglers help is needed. All stocked steelhead have clipped adipose fins and if they are not clipped, they are most likely wild fish. If you would like to help, please sign up for the Angler Diary program to help our fisheries biologist advance our knowledge of steelhead to improve our fishery. Knowing many steelhead anglers release fish, you can record info and release fish in this program. There is an IPhone ap and website. If you keep adipose clipped steelhead, don’t forget to freeze and turn in those heads too. There is a link with more info below.
Record your catches with Great Lakes Angler Diary and help biologists learn how stocked and wild fish contribute to the Great Lakes and their tributary streams.
All you need to do is:
REGISTER at or download the iOS app
RECORD every river steelhead trip taken October-May
MEASURE each and every steelhead caught
CHECK for fin clips and other marks
At the end of the season you will be asked to take a short survey and verify that your information is complete.