Steelhead Fisheries Meetings

We have been attending a number of fisheries meetings this winter. Michigan Seagrant held a steelhead workshop last month that shared a lot of research results. They just released the video’s of the presentations. Here they are if you would like to watch them. The presentations are broken into segments as described below.
Steelhead Fishery Workshop offered by Michigan Sea Grant via Zoom on February 25, 2021. In case you missed parts of the live Zoom webinar, we now have videos of all presentations uploaded and captioned on our YouTube Channel. These videos and more are available on our Steelhead Playlist if you would like to bookmark for future reference:
Links and descriptions for each video follow:
Dan O’Keefe, Extension Educator with Michigan Sea Grant and MSU Extension, gave an overview of the Michigan River Steelhead Project that enlists anglers to collect data on stocked and wild steelhead.
Tracy Claramunt, Fisheries Bilogist with Michigan DNR, discussed creel survey results that included steelhead catch and effort in Great Lakes waters and select rivers.
Dr. Brian Roth, Associate Professor at Michigan State University, gave on overview of diet results from a multi-year study on Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.
Jory Jonas, Fisheries Research Biologist with Michigan DNR, discussed research projects related to steelhead stocking strategies and a comparison of Skamania and Michigan winter strain steelhead performance.
Jay Wesley, Lake Michigan Basin Coordinator for Michigan DNR, discussed management issues related to steelhead, including issues related to proposed bag limit changes. Addie Dutton, Fisheries Biologist with Michigan DNR, gave an overview of steelhead fisheries and stocking history in the Lake Huron basin.
We also uploaded an earlier presentation that dealt with steelhead natural reproduction and correlations between steelhead growth and alewife abundance in Lake Michigan. This presentation was part of the Winter Meeting of the Michigan River Steelhead Project offered by Michigan Sea Grant via Zoom on December 16, 2020. Jory Jonas, Fisheries Research Biologist with Michigan DNR.
For more information on steelhead in Michigan visit the link below:
Michigan River Steelhead Project

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